Acudetox Academy International UK was established in 2019 in order to provide high quality and safe acupuncture education with internationally recognised qualifications. Safety, efficacy and humility are our core values which we hold in the highest regard and our trainers are highly qualified with many years of experience in their resepective fields of expertise. This enables us to produce practitioners that are respected and trusted worldwide.
We offer internationally recognized professional online Acupuncture Detoxification Practitioner, Cosmetic Acupuncture Practitioner and Nogier Auriculotherapy Practitioner certification courses.
Any kind of TCM practitioner that is currently registered with their local association or council may apply for international registration with AAI in order to have an internationally registered and recognizable practitioner certificate. Our certificates are QR coded and can be validated anywhere in the world by scanning the code with any mobile phone.
How can we offer these courses online?
There is no question that body acupuncture can involve risk of injury or even serious damage to the client. However when working on a surface level, which is what the course we offer involves, the risk of serious damage is not there. There may be superficial bruising or minimal bleeding but that is to be expected and is managed through proper medical wasted disposal methods as well as sterilization and infection control protocols.
These are all covered in the online course materials. Where protocols have contraindications, these are specified and mentioned by the trainers as well.
Acudetox Academy International UK Course Trainers
Dr Frédéric Motz
Courses taught : Cosmetic Acupuncture Practitioner, Auriculotherapy Practitioner,

Dr. Frédéric Motz skilfully combines and practices Integral Complementary Medicine. Originally from France, he now resides in South Africa
In 1980, after completing training in several branches of Complementary Medicine, Dr Frédéric Motz opened his practice as a Homeopath, Osteopath, Auricular Medicine, Acupuncture and Ayurvedic Practitioner (Diploma added in 1998). As Osteopath he studied auricular therapy from 1980 - 1981 and in France(Paris) he studied auricular-medicine under Dr. Paul Nogier.
When presented with a variety of symptoms, he often blends these different approaches together in order to achieve the most effective treatment for the patient benefit. It also includes life style changes like exercises programs, diet, breathing techniques and stress reduction techniques.
He is also a professional coach and trainer in the corporate world. During the last decade he has expanded his base of knowledge in the coaching and training arena, to cover several different methodologies, including, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), the Enneagram, Power Negotiation and Action Learning. Frédéric has developed his own profiling methodology using combinations of techniques from these different methodologies.
Patient Care
Frédéric firmly follows the premise that the Body Mind Emotion is intricately connected mental and physical health goes hand-in-hand and cannot be separated. He brings to coaching the wealth of experience obtained working with individual patients as a Complementary Medicine practitioner and in his Complementary Medicine practice he will often use coaching techniques to help a patient overcome psychological problems that are associated with ailments and illnesses.
In his own words “This integrated approach opens the possibilities to access a deeper level of learning that is the key to creating change, which serves the whole: that is ourselves, and the communities of which we are a part. I embrace coaching and training to enhance “Human Potentiality”.
What I Treat
Back problems, sport injuries, allergies, eczema, hormone imbalance, fertility, stress management, anti-smoking program, facial rejuvenation, migraines, headaches, menopause, sinusitis, arthritis, pain, addictions, tinnitus etc. Trans-generational Associative Patterns (what trauma has been passed by parents, grand parents, and more).
All treatments include, Pulse Electromagnetic Therapy, Bioptron, Re-alignment Structural Integration.
Warren Whitfield
Course taught : Acupuncture Detoxification Practitioner

Acudetox Clinics South Africa was started by Warren Whitfield in 2006. After travelling to New York to study acupuncture for treating addiction, Warren Whitfield returned to S.A. and became qualified as an Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist Trainer in 2010.
He completed his training at Lincoln Memorial Hospital Recovery Centre in South Bronx New York, the original clinic that pioneered the 5 point NADA Acudetox protocol. He brought back Acudetox to South Africa and also trains people who wish to become specialists. Warren is also the C.E.O. The Addiction Action Campaign, a formidable public advocacy group which represents the rights of all South Africans on the issue of addiction and substance abuse, and he is the founder and Chairperson of the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association of South Africa (NADA S.A.) - Warren also founded the formidable Addiction Harm Reduction Compliancy (AHRC) advocacy organization which challenges companies that profit from people who are addicted to their products and or services.
In 2020 he created the worlds first online NADA SA Certified Acupuncture Detoxification Practitioner course which has seen over 500 students purchase and complete the certification process online. The course is provided and taught by him through us as well.